Dear donor,
Thank you very much for your support in 2019! Many of you have donated to us and our causes on a regular basis for many years – while others supported us for the first time this year.
Your involvement in the funding projects of Alumni Freiburg e.V. has grown with each passing year. We can therefore support even more students than before with your funding again this year.
To demonstrate that this involvement is the collective success of many and to encourage other alumni to have a part in it as well, you have given us your consent to post your name here on our online donor recognition plaques. At the same time, we would like to thank you in the name of the students benefiting from your donations, who understand them both as recognition of their academic achievements and as additional motivation for the future.
Prof. Dr. Gerd Altrogge
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Barz
Dr. Manfred Beker
Prof. Dr. Helmbrecht Breinig
Dr. Werner Brinkmann
Heinz G. Brunner
Michael Buhlmann
Dr. Eckhart Cuntz
Günter Diefenbacher
Ralf W. Dieter
Werner Dietz
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Dittmann
Prof. Dr. Trude Ehlert
Dr. Silke Engel
Dr. Angelika Euchner
Dr. Georg Faerber
Dr. Dietmar Fischer
Prof. Dr. Roland W. Friedrich
Dr. Manfred Ginter
Joachim Gollmer
Dr. Horst Gräter
Dr. Herbert Grimmer
Dr. Verena Hamann
Michael Hargens
Dr. Peter Hartwig
Dr. Ingrid Heinze-Krauss
Hendrik Herrmann
Prof. Dr. Dr. Arnold Hermanns
Hendrik Hermann
Ingeborg Hipp
Jan Ihwe
Dr. Joachim Jaeckle
Prof. Dr. Lutz Jaeger
Claus Jenckel
Dr. Fritz Kabelac
Dietrich Kauffmann
Prof. Dr. Uwe Kindler
Prof. Dr. Thomas Klingenheben
Prof. Dr. Achim Krämer
Dr. Dietmar Kuhnt
Annette Kunde
Prof. Dr. Martin Lausen
Martin Lickfett
Dr. Dominik Linnenbrink
Habbo Lolling
Christian Lücke
Robert Maier
Dr. Bernhard Mauser
Dr. Barbara Mayer
Klaus Meckle
Wolfgang Meinhardt
Dr. Elke Meinzer
Prof. Dr. Karin Nehlsen-von Stryk
Prof. Dr. Norbert Pfeiffer
Dr. Herbert Plagge
Prof. Dr. Engelbert Plassmann
Horst Prodinger
Prof. Dr. Thomas Rakosi
Uwe Reifert
Nicola Remshardt
Dr. Annemarie Reynolds
Prof. Dr. Sabine Rollberg
Fernando Rosell
Dr. Siegmar Rothstein
Prof. Dr. Jörg J. Sauter
Fatima Zahra Samorah
Dr. Ulla Schach
Dr. Philipp Schauer
Hanspeter Schellhorn
Dr. Jens-Peter Schmid-Mölholm
Dr. Werner Schmidt
Peter Schneider-Scherffius
Dr. Thorleif Schönfeld
Dr. Donald Schoenthal
Dr. Franz Josef Scholz
Dr. Klaus-Bernhard Schöper
Burkhard Schultze-Berndt
Dr. Angelica Schwall-Düren
Dr. Annette Schwan
Brigitte Seegers
Dr. Christian Seegers
Nobue Shimada
Gisela & Erwin Sick Stiftung
Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Simon
Dr. Manfred Specker
Dr. Jörg Spiekerkötter
Dr. Klaus-Dieter Stephan
Roger Storp
Prof. Dr. Günter Strassert
Prof. Dr. Christian Streffer
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Strube
Hans-Martin Stübler
Dr. Dirk Thomsen
Christa Vossschulte
Dr. Bernadette Weyland
Prof. Dr. Günther Wiese
Antje Winkler
Prof. Dr. Detlef Winter
Prof. Dr. Christian Wittekind
Jochen Wolter
Dr. Richard Woltereck
Dr. Franzjosef Zacharias
sowie zahlreiche Spenderinnen und Spender, die nicht genannt werden möchten.