Alumni Prize for Social Involvement
The booster association Alumni Freiburg e.V. has been raising donations for student projects from former University of Freiburg students for around 20 years. This year Alumni Freiburg is awarding the “Alumni Prize for Social Involvement” for the sixth time. The purpose of awarding the prize is to encourage students to volunteer for social causes alongside their studies and to support them in doing so. The winners of the 2017 prize are two initiatives founded by University of Freiburg students, which will receive half each of the 2000 euros in prize money:
Shahrzad Mohammadi – Bike Bridge

Photograph: Peter Herrmann
Shahrzad Mohammadi is supporting refugee girls and women. Her project “Bike Bridge” teaches them how to ride a bicycle. The project’s goal is to prevent female refugees from becoming socially isolated. The project went into the pilot stage in 2016 at Freiburg’s largest refugee home on Bissierstraße. By means of theoretical and practical bicycle training as well as tours and outings in and around Freiburg, “Bike Bridge” enhances the mobility of the participants while also promoting their social and cultural integration. Each is paired with a mentor to serve as her trainer. The women also learn how to repair a bicycle and receive language lessons. At the end of the three-month course, they are allowed to keep their bicycle. Riding a bicycle enables them to discover their new surroundings and get to know the culture and traditions of the region.
In-depth article on the project Bike Bridge
Website of Bike Bridge
Philipp Müller – Duwa Lofunga e.V.

Photograph: Philipp Müller
Philipp Müller is supporting school children with his project “Duwa Lofunga.” He has done volunteer work for many years at hospitals in Malawi, one of the world’s poorest countries. At the country’s schools, the children sit crowded closely together on the floor – in classes of 150 to 250 students. No one keeps track of attendance. Even the teachers often do not show up for classes, because the state only pays them their wages very irregularly. Müller founded the project “Duwa Lofunga” in 2011 to give these children a chance. It provides Malawian children with scholarships to attend school. Talented children from several villages in this region receive funding for three years. Most of the scholarship goes to cover the tuition for a private school, usually a parochial school. The higher educational standards at these schools enable the children to complete vocational training. “Duwa Lofunga” is currently providing 16 scholarships – and hopes to provide more in the future.
In-depth article on Duwa Lofunga e.V.
Website of Duwa Lofunga e.V.