Stimulus for Security Research The Center for Security and Society of the University of Freiburg has signed a cooperation agreement with the Fraunhofer Institute for High- Speed Dynamics and the company IBM. The center will participate in a research cluster at the Fraunhofer Institute that develops security tech- nologies and studies the legal and social consequences of their imple- mentation. Together with IBM the cen- ter will conduct research into concepts for data security in order to answer legal questions concerning security technologies. The first project involves scenarios for a crime prevention plat- form in Germany. Rector Hans-Jochen Schiewer (right) and Martin Jetter, chief executive of IBM Germany, have signed a cooperation agreement. Photo: Pflüger » www.sicherheitundgesellschaft. New Projects for Instructional Development The Federal Ministry of Educa- tion and Research has approved pro- posals for instructional projects at the University of Freiburg in two competi- tions. The university secured 6.13 mil- lion euros in funding in the Quality Pact for Teaching – among other things to launch a mentoring program for students, develop new instruction- al concepts, and found the University College Freiburg, whose purpose will be to strengthen problem-oriented, interdisciplinary instruction. The 2.7 million euros the university secured in the competition “Advancement through Education: Open Higher Education Institutions,” on the other hand, will be used to offer more continuing educa- tion programs. Vice Rector Heiner Schanz is responsible for the new teaching concepts. Photo: Schilling A Quick Wire to the University The University of Freiburg has set up a knowledge management service in order to improve networ king with leaders from businesses and societal organizations. It is the first central service center for research- related requests from mostly small and medium-sized companies. The contacts are retired professors repre- senting the entire spectrum of disci- plines at the university. The partners of the new service center are the Cham- ber of Commerce of the Southern Upper Rhine and the Business Association of Industrial Enterprises in Baden. » wissenstransfer/kms Strong Partner in the USA The university’s network of alli- ances with international top universi- ties is growing: The University of Freiburg is launching an exchange program in which a professor from Harvard University, USA, will come to Freiburg with 20 students for half a year and a Freiburg professor will teach for a semester at Harvard in return. The program is set to begin in January 2012 with the project “Europe’s Answers to the World’s Problems.” In addition, the University of Freiburg has signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley, USA. The first joint research emphasis between the two institutions, “Quantum Efficiency,” will deal with the question of how to con- vert light into energy and vice versa as efficiently as possible. Finally, an agreement with the Penn State Uni- versity, USA, includes plans for the exchange of students, doctoral candi- dates, teaching faculty, and adminis- tration as well as conferences in several disciplines. 29uni'alumni 2012 University News